I’m tired of saying good-bye to children. I’m tired of watching kids suffer. I’m tired of death’s sting.
My friend, Landon, went to be with Jesus last night. He’s been battling cancer for a couple of years and fought like no other kid I’ve ever seen. He was a beast. He was amazing. He inspired people all over the world with his strength.
He will be missed.
Landon’s family has gone to our church for many years. I had his oldest sister in confirmation class 5 years ago. She graduates from high school this weekend.
Both of his sisters love him ferociously.
Landon was in the nursery with my daughter and they grew up in Sunday School together. Landon’s mom, Jaymi, was a Sunday School Shepherd for their class up until a few months before Landon was diagnosed. How do I tell my girl that he’s gone after she prayed so diligently? How do I minister to all the kids this Sunday who’ve been praying for healing?
The truth of God’s healing is that sometimes it happens on the other side of glory. Sometimes God allows us to be softened and broken in prayer in order to draw closer to Him. I don’t believe God answered us with a “no.” I believe he answered us with a “not here.” Landon did receive his healing. It was just in a more miraculous way than our earthly minds can comprehend. Landon fought the fight and won the race as he crossed into the arms of Jesus. That’s the promise and the hope of the resurrection that we receive through our baptism in Christ Jesus.