Walking on Water

When we talked, as a family, this year about what we would do for Lent my son became incredibly quiet. He has never wanted to participate in giving something up for Lent or adding something to his daily routine. Doing so isn’t mandated by scripture so I’ve never pushed it. Lent is a new concept for me…at least as an adult, so not really that new. I like to participate in the thoughtfulness of the season. My heart has always been blessed by sacrificing something in remembrance of the sacrifice my heavenly father made for me. But all that being said, it’s a choice and I have never pushed it on the kids, even though we still talk about it.

So as we sat around the dinner table a few weeks back I was concerned about Seth’s sudden turn inward. I didn’t want him to take on any shame of any sort if he didn’t want to participate. Then he surprised me with a quiet interjection.

“I want to read my Bible every night before bed.”


“I don’t want to give up anything for Lent but I want to read a story from my Bible every night to you.”

So that is exactly what we’ve been doing. We started with the New Testament and each night he has been ready me a story. I love it. I love how excited he gets about each story, telling me about what he knew in advance from Sunday School or from reading it somewhere else. Last night we opened to “Walking on Water” and he said, “Mom! This is my favorite!” and read the pages to me. As we closed the Bible and held hands for prayer he said,”Mom, it’s hard to keep my eyes on Jesus because the waves can be really big and dark.”

Yes they can. I often pride myself in being connected to Jesus. He’s my guy. I know him. We talk. But just like Peter, it’s that pride that comes before the fall. I take my eyes off of Jesus and look around at the waves and wonder how I’m ever going to get through them. I get scared that I won’t be able to see what’s underneath. I worry about the people watching and what they’ll think of me. I. I. I. When it’s about me I sink. When it’s about Jesus I glide across the waves. When I try to handle the waves they take me under. When I trust in Jesus I rise above.

My Lent sacrifice this year has  been good. I am learning more and more about who Jesus though the process. But it’s Seth’s commitment this year that has been such a blessing to me. I’m so grateful for the nuggets of truth that are being revealed to us every night on the edge of his bed.


walk on water

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