What Does This Have To Do With Easter?

Easter is one of my favorite days of the year. I love the celebration of life and grace. I love the music. I love the flowers. I love all about Easter. This year we spent the afternoon with a group of friends who are like family. Most of us either work for the church or are involved heavily in various ways so we were all ready to kick our shoes off and relax after a long morning of celebratory worship. We went to my friend Kim’s house for food, games, laughter, and more laughter. The ham wshaving cream headas warm, the wine and beer were cold, and the love was rich and over-flowing.

After lunch we sent the kids on scavenger hunts around the neighborhood and played silly games. It was fun. We videoed the shaving cream game you see Seth playing here. The idea was that you cover a head with a shower cap and shaving cream and then throw cheesy poofs at said head. In the video, as my husband is cheering loudly at my son’s amazing moves, swerving to and fro, catching poofs like a mad-man, you hear my daughter say, “Dad, what does this have to do with Easter?”

I posted the video to Facebook without hearing her words. Several people commented on it. Hmmm. What do shaving cream and cheesy poofs have to do with Easter?


And Everything.

Easter is the day we celebrate life. Life that we don’t deserve but have been graciously given. It’s the day we cheer for our Savior, who loved us so much that he faced down sin, darkness, and death to rescue us. It’s the day we acknowledge that, yes, we do believe. Not because we’ve seen His scars but because we have scars of our own that he’s lovingly healed. It’s the day when we shout from the rooftops that death has no power over us because of Jesus Christ.

I’m so blessed to be a part of a group of people that does celebration well. We love each other and love what Jesus has done for us and sometimes that calls for throwing cheesy poofs at someone’s head.  These are the people that I love to celebrate all of life’s moments with. First communions (which happened for Shelby on  Easter), confirmations (which we will celebrate for Margo next week), and Tuesdays. We’ve been known to celebrate a Tuesday here and there.

Maybe I love Easter so much because it’s a day when everyone gets to celebrate like we celebrate Tuesdays. We relish in our time together because we feel so blessed to be loved by our God and also by each other. If I could have one prayer for the world it would be that every single person could be a part of a celebratory group like ours. That people could be surrounded by love and acceptance and a big bowl of chips and queso that doesn’t empty until it’s time to go home.That they could know the Father’s love and grace because of the people in the kitchen sharing it. And that their Tuesdays would all be like Easter.





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