Game Day


My son has played on various teams for Upward Sports for several years. We have been blessed with some really great coaches over the years. I honestly can’t say enough about the program, the men who step up to coach, and all the people who organize the league. This year is no different. Our coach has so much heart. So much. And he gives the best pep talks.

We lost today. We lost big. We were out sized, out ran, out thrown, out caught. The other team was so much better it was almost painful. But at the end of the game he called the boys together and said something like this:

We are getting better.

We are getting better every day of every week.

The other team was really good today. They were fast. They could throw and catch really well.

But we played like a team. We played better than we did last week, which was better than we played the week before.

We will keep practicing. We will keep working hard. We will keep getting better.

I want y’all to go home and know that you gave it your all. 

Rest. Have some fun. We’ll get back together and practice hard this week.

You guys are so awesome.

The only thing that would’ve made his speech better was if November Rain was playing in the background. Not the slow part from the beginning, but the hard drive at the end when Axl whines and….well, you know how it goes. It’s a good song. It would’ve fit perfectly.

And I wish I had recorded it because I feel like it’s a pep talk that I could use myself on say, Monday mornings. Or Wednesdays. Or any day I need to get back up on the proverbial horse. So every day. Because every day is game day.

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