Thank You for the Moon


I don’t always do gratitude well. I want to be grateful. I want graciousness to be a word people think of when they think of me. It just doesn’t always flow so freely.

We had huge rains in Houston this weekend. Hurricane Patricia rolled through this weekend and brought inches upon inches of rain. And my roof leaked. It made me so angry until I remembered that I still have a roof. After watching the news and seeing the people of Mexico, where Patricia landed, my breath caught in that place in my throat where my breath catches when I realize I’m a fool..

I had a sucky day today. Not Third World sucky. Just Suburban Mom sucky. Driving home tonight I watched the most gorgeous moon rising over the city. My breath caught again.

What a fool I am to think I have anything to complain over.

The past few months have been hard. But we have a house and we have food. We have jobs and we have clothes. Education for our children, cars to drive, and money to buy gasoline…we have it all.

We have friends and family and neighbors. We have church.

There goes that catching breath again.

Thank you, God, for moons that rise. Thank you for morning fog. Thank you for a leaky roof and long waits at doctor offices. Thank you for the good and the bad and the in between because those moments mean I’m alive.



Today’s post is part of the Write 31 Days Challenge. The photo is courtesy of

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