I’ve been asked to be a part of a very special day at our church. It’s a day designed for women who need to breathe. It’s for women who need to slow down. It’s for women who need to slow down and hear a fresh word from God. So, you know, all women.I’m really excited that God spoke to the leaders/organizers of this event and urged them to reach out to all women in this way. There will be sessions on nutrition, fitness, essential oils, fashion, and so much more. I’m going to be speaking on simplifying family life. You can choose three sessions to sit it on and have a nice lunch. It’s totally for you…You the Mom, You the Wife, You the Grandma, You the Daughter, You the Teacher, You the Pharmacist, You the Baker… You in all the hats you wear.
It’s a Saturday, so it may mean shuffling your schedule a bit. It might mean that someone else takes over carpool for soccer that day or that the laundry doesn’t get folded until the evening. You are worth it though. God loves you and would love for you to take a few hours to slow down and possibly hear a word from him.
Want to sign up? You can do it here.
I’m praying for you already. I am trusting that the day will be a blessing for all of us.